Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So, I've been hankering for some donuts. Doughnuts? Whatever. They've been on my mind. I don't like frying things much, as it smells up the house, and I can never get it right, but baked donuts are not what I'm looking for. Last Sunday afternoon, after I was fairly certain no realtors would call saying they wanted to come over, I made a go of it. What I really wanted was a recipe for those really great big huge chocolate donuts that are a deep reddish brown in the middle. None of the recipes say, "These are the donuts that are a deep reddish brown in the middle", so I had to just try one. Here they are. (They were overcooked, by the way, so too dry, and not, in fact, the ones that are reddish brown in the middle.)

Mac was thrilled. Chocolate is chocolate is chocolate. She can even say 'chocolate' remarkably well.

Leiden, too, was happy about the development that allowed her to eat something chocolate and gooey--and even happier about the fact that mommy gave her a second donut hole because she finished the first before I could get the camera out!

And then later, I came into the kitchen to this:


Scrappycook said...

I've only ever made baked donuts - I am not very good with things that need to be fried! Those look gooey and yum though!

Katey said...

I don't think I'd ever even attempt to make donuts so good job giving it a shot. Too bad they weren't the reddish brown in the middle ones! Maybe you could ask the bakery next time what they are called?? :)

Em said...

Those look so yummy! Wait, where are you moving? Also, Congrats on baby #3! Dude, you are totally so domestic. I am jealous of your abilities.

Kimberly said...

That last picture is PRICELESS. Love all the pics and commentary.

Macdonalds said...

Those look yummy! Reddish brown in the middle is the way to go. If you find the right recipe let me know!