Thursday, April 30, 2015

Preschool Spring Sing!

Tonight was Mimi's Spring Sing at Children's Discovery...she's almost done with preschool!  I can't believe how time flies.

Sweet little Mimi before we went in to the school.

Miss Leiden, waiting for the show.

They did the funniest rendition of 'What Does the Fox Say' was hilarious!  They sang the words and did all these silly little dances.  I have never seen anything like it.

The three little pigs

Mimi is head and shoulders taller than her classmates.  It's really amazing to see.  There are a couple kids who are fairly close, but like in this shot, there is a HUGE difference.  She will pass us all up!

They performed lots of songs, with costumes

and props...particularly cool in the dark!

Sweet little Mimi did great!

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