Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jump Rope

The girls are getting harder to contain quietly during Leiden's violin lessons, but today stickers left over from Primary saved the day!  The song leader had played measles with the kids, so the girls played it, too.

The girls headed outside today with their jump ropes.  It's a pretty good skill to have, and awesome exercise, although harder than it looks to coordinate rope and jumping!

Mimi in particular had a funny time trying to get the jump rope around and then clear it!  This sequence of photographs was pretty funny.

And down she goes.

I got out there for a little while.  Even with all the running I've been doing, I was surprised at how quickly I lost my breath.  I need to do it more often for sure!

The girls found dandelion puffs.

And then we jumped some more!  I LOVE that Mimi is a blur in this picture!  It's hilarious!

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