Thursday, May 3, 2018

Field Trip

Mimi's grade took a field trip to the Museum of Natural History today, and she so badly wanted Jon and I to come with her, so we did!

They had a cool infrared camera you could look into and it transmitted the image to a screen.  I had no idea cheeks were cooler than the rest of one's skin!

Mimi enjoyed wandering around with her friend, and Jon and I had quite the time slowing down 6 second graders and trying to help them actually learn something instead of basically running through the entire museum and leaving us with a ton of time at the end!

They had this fun part where the kids learned how to propel themselves sideways by waving a specially designed flag up and down.  They spent a while there!

Later this evening, we broke out a jack fruit portion we found at Harmon's.  It was a bit overripe, but I don't think I would like it regardless, although the flavor is actually pretty compelling.  It's a sweet bubblegum type flavor, but the texture was super chewy.

My new phone came today!  I am told the camera on it isn't the best, but it will be both less expensive and more reliable than my previous!

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