Friday, October 9, 2009

Halloween Time Dinners

I decided this month to make a bigger deal of the upcoming holiday--Halloween. Often I find that holidays creep up on me, and instead of finding fun ways to celebrate and give the girls a fun time, I realize I've run out of time and I have all these ideas! So in that spirit, I've been doing lots of Halloween themed food. Here was our Halloween Pot Pie. (The camera was on a really weird setting, so it looks kind of day-glo, but it was actually pretty fun.)

Last night I attempted Halloween tostadas. (Cookie cutters are so useful!) These actually worked pretty well. Here are the cutouts fresh out of the hot oil. The ghosts were hard to put the toppings on in the next step, so I won't be doing them, again.

Here are the three kinds I did. Leiden was very excited about the haunted house because it was "just like the one at Disney World". Being excited about its shape, however, did not translate into actually eating dinner. Mac ate her whole pumpkin.

They were topped, by the way, with refried beans, taco meat, and cheese, and then I heated them in a hot oven until the cheese melted. Add sour cream, lettuce, olives, and what have you! More to come as the month goes on!