Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Holiday Time at Etsy!

If you're not in the mood for shameless self-promotion, go ahead and skip this post! I try not to post Etsy stuff here on the blog much, because you're all family and friends, but occasionally, I indulge, and hope you'll indulge me.

Today is a case in point, because I've got some D-A-R-L-I-N-G stuff up in the shop, new for Christmas/Holiday time! --Some of which would make cute gifts, as the price points are pretty low. First up is the Women's Christmas Apron! (Yes, that is me in the apron. I tried it on a friend, and it looked much better on her, but the lighting was all wrong. So we improvise.) That said, even on a pregnant lady, it looks pretty flattering! Love the halter neckline.
It can be found here:

Next up we have the Little Christmas Apron, listed at sizes 12M to 5T, with larger-but-not-quite-adult-sizes available if they are wanted. This was made to coordinate but not be matchy matchy with the women's apron, but both the little and the womens can be made in any fabrics. Why not be matchy matchy when you're baking up the holiday treats? Find it here:

Leiden is not a very willing model, as shown by her face above. At least I got some pics.
And...shameless self-promotion is over. :) Hopefully the comments will not go up in flames.


The Minnesota Preators said...

Love the aprons...darling!

Emily said...

I can't believe that you would blog about your super cute stuff that you sell. Terrible and shameful for sure! (Obviously, I am kidding...I love seeing your stuff!! It's so cute!)