Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Salt Lake City--June, Pre-Wedding

Here begins the SLC saga...this is POTD 6/1/10. We went through the temple with Madison's bride-to-be, Joni, that day, and went to lunch afterwards. Totally blurry picture, but notable in that we are sans kids!

The next day we headed up to Park City to play there, and met Grandma there.

POTD 6/2/10: Leiden was so excited to go on the jumpy thing. Luckily she was big enough, and I had to go distract Mac, who was not big enough, with another alpine slide ride.
She went SO high because she doesn't weigh a lot!

Of course, Grandma got us all ice cream after playing.

Mimi 6/2/10: She was a little less than impressed by the whole thing. She actually got her first bit of sun up there. Her cheeks were really pink and then peeled a bit after a few days. I also got sun on my legs--not good all around.
Miriam 6/3/10:
POTD 6/3/10: My mother refuses to have her picture taken, so I had to settle for this. She made these beautiful wreaths out of fresh greenery to put on the tables at the wedding dinner. She worked for hours and burned her hands like crazy, but they turned out awesome.
Miriam 6/4/10: Brad is always doing funny things with the kids--he is much more imaginative than I!

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