Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reception--June 5

These are all from the reception that night, and I LOVE so many of them--there are some pictures that are very indicative of my family's dynamic...personality just bursting through. Here's one, where my brother, the groom, is trying to hold a squirming Mac.

The girls all dolled up--no, I did not make their dresses, they were purchased. I did make their hair clips, Mimi's shrug, Mimi's headband, my jacket, and my mom's vest.

This looks a bit like it was posed, but it was candid.

My mom with the girls minus Mimi.

My father loves my girls. It is truly a marvel to watch him interact with them. He thinks they hung the moon.

My all time favorite picture of the whole day. Here we have Leiden, sitting primly, looking at someone's camera, my dad is belly laughing, probably at Mac, who is about to squirm right off my mom's lap, while my mom is resting her weary (probably because of Mac) head on my dad's shoulder. Like I said, totally indicative.

When I first saw this picture I burst out laughing. This is my grandfather, my mother's father, who has his weary head resting on the table. It was such a comical picture, until I found out that he was in grave pain that night, and the pictures were taking FOREVER. I guess it's still kind of funny.

Miriam 6/5/10: What a little sweetie, and her headband turned out gorgeous, if I do say so myself!

Another sweet pea.

Mimi really didn't know what to think of the evening.

They love this face.

Mac was wandering around doing it to strangers and friends alike.

Including my grandfather, who thought it was pretty funny. I really like my mom's face in this one, but I think the effect is heightened in the following picture.

What do you think? As a side note, on a Sunday we were at my grandfather's and Mac pulled that face to him again, and drat it all, I didn't have my camera out, because what did he do? He pulled the same face back to her! (This was very out of character for my grandpa!)

We girls have a lot of fun together, and we can't seem to all be looking at the camera at the same time. This was the best of the bunch.

Brad really likes the black and whites.

Thanks to my Uncle Mark, who snapped this one and the one that follows. Gotta love the fan in the background! It was SO hot in this greenhouse, I'll take fans in pictures any day.

POTD 6/5/10: Our new family.

My little family.

Joni and Madison dancing at the end of the evening. Very sweet. It's still a little weird to think that someone is in love with my brother. I'm sure he thought the same thing about Brad when we got married!

Mad and my mom dancing. Mad got a bit emotional.

There were more pictures taken, but none of them worked out right. At any rate, it was a wonderful evening and day for all. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Wilding! (And congrats to my parents, who are now empty nesters--they couldn't be more excited!)


Scrappycook said...

Beautiful photos! I love all of the clips as well!

Kristin said...

Great pictures! I really love the clips you made for the girls' hair! Hope to see you tonight at the Eclipse dinner!