Friday, January 10, 2014

Mimi was thrilled at the checkout at Joann's today.  She found some great little St. Patrick's day stuff...really funny, actually.  I'm still trying to figure out how she knew the beard was even a we have a crown.

My personal favorite, that clearly made it to Instagram, was the leprechaun hat with the beard.  Bonus...the lighting and then the editing filter on this picture make her hair look like it has a little bit of an irish red tint.  Perfect. 

She came home and immediately set to mixing play dough colors, but making a great little ice cream cone.  Complete with cherry and stem on top.  SO CUTE. 

Mrs. Crowder had her farewell open house today, and we all went.  Leiden and her friend, Gabby, wanted a picture together with her.  Leiden has loved Mrs. Crowder, and was very privileged to have her as a teacher this year.  Leiden tends to excel regardless, but it's always nice to have a teacher who is aware and very consistent and diligent in her care of the students in her class.   We will miss her!

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