Thursday, January 9, 2014


I looked out the window and what did I see?  Snow!  Again!  Love it.  It's a fairly light dusting, but it's there!

It kind of kept coming down all day.  We had to brave the school for a few minutes today after we took Mac, and it was snowy!

I opted to spend the rest of the day warm in the house, relaxing and cozy.

Took Mac and Mimi to get their hair cut again, yesterday.  I didn't get pictures then, so I grabbed some today.  Little Mimi's hair is still super uneven, but with each passing day we get closer to back to normal!  We must either put it up every day or use clips, though.  I really just have to shake my head.

But she is darn cute, anyway.  Who needs evenly cut hair?

Mac got hers trimmed, too, and stacked up even more in the back.  She appears to be happy about it, although I think she's happiest about the cute little claw clip the hair lady gave her.

And she's awfully cute, too.

Leiden's teacher, Mrs. Crowder, is retiring early, and had her last day in the classroom this week.  Her new teacher, Mrs. Church, had an open house this afternoon, which we attended, and brought her a little treat to welcome her and introduce ourselves.  The beauty of new teachers and schools is that you can reuse cute ideas!

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