Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Teeth and Coding

Miss Leiden came to me last night kind of freaked out about one of her teeth.  She said it had come apart a little in her mouth, and that it was soft.  Well, that didn't sound good.  I checked it out and it WAS pretty creepy.  So this morning I called a new dentist because their insurance had changed, and he was able to get her in today.  He took out THREE of her teeth!  She had to be numbed for one of them, but they came out pretty easily.  She has had these teeth not coming out even when the permanent teeth are already coming in under them!  She was a little teary, but now it's over and she doesn't have to worry anymore!

After a little while, she was in much better spirits. 

Tonight we went to the last coding class Mac has been attending.  They did presentations to show what they learned and how to use it.  She did SUCH a great job!  She walked us through the whole process and exactly what her project took. 

This is so interesting to me, because *I* don't even know how to do this stuff! 

She had this cute little mapping of her interactive program.  It was such a fun way to see Mac learning and growing at something that her sisters weren't doing.  They do so much as a threesome that sometimes I forget how important it is for them to do things that are THEIRS.  And their interests and skills are not the same! 

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