Monday, December 28, 2015

Zoo Lights

Muffins for breakfast!  The girls love these muffins so much.

Later this afternoon we headed over to the school hills for some sledding.  We had to improvise with plastic bin lids for sleds.  We've had better experiences, but it was still fun! 

Then tonight we went to Zoo Lights!  It was pretty amazing.  We were wandering up to the ticket booth, when a man stopped me and asked if I wanted some free admission tickets.  I said, sure!  Thinking anything less than what I had EXPECTED to pay was awesome.  And then he handed me like 10 tickets!  There were enough for all of us, as well as Meghan and her kids to get in completely free!  What an awesome surprise! 

Honestly, that it was free to get in lessened the 'need' you feel to see every little thing when you're there.  To leave nothing unexplored, regardless of how the kids are acting, because it cost money to get it!  Tonight we felt free to wander as much as we wanted, but felt no obligation to stick around.  It also made hot chocolate that much better!

The kids had a great time wandering around with the Smarts.

Good times had by all, and it wasn't even that cold, which made for a comfortable evening seeing the lights.  Thank you, kind stranger!

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