Thursday, July 26, 2018

With our big Michigan trip coming right up, we gave the girls the opportunity to earn money, first to earn enough for floaties of their choice, then to earn spending money for souvenirs.  This took a bit longer than we had hoped, as there was much complaining and balking.  With so little time left, though, they got to it.  They finally had all earned enough to order their chosen floaties, and they came today, so it was off to the pool with them!  Leiden's is this enormous peacock raft that other kids kept trying to over turn and get up on with her.

Mac chose a stingray, much more economical and easy to manage in the water!

Little Meemer of course chose a unicorn floatie.

The trouble with Mimi's is that it has a very difficult time staying upright!  She fell off numerous times, and may be regretting this particular unicorn's design.

But they are thrilled with them and are so excited to use them in Lake Michigan!

Leiden made a splash today, literally!  She decided to try one of the high dives.  She has been uninterested in trying before today, and we finally convinced her she should at least try it before she decides she doesn't like it.  Then she'll know!

I'm so proud of her for jumping off, but she did not like it and I don't blame her!  I don't like it either!

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