Monday, April 22, 2019

We had some chocolate eggs that were begging to be eaten, and Mac wanted to make nest cupcakes.

She loved how they turned out!  And now we get to eat the chocolate eggs WITH cake and frosting!  Her idea was brilliant!

Miss Zada tried her first real "solid" foods today!  Baby oatmeal!  We got her this little spoon and fork set that is really easy for her to grip.

NOT so easy for me to feed her with, which honestly isn't their purpose.

Despite her face, this was a successful bite!

Although pretty much the only bite.  After that she just wanted to hit and play with the spoon.  But not put the business end in her mouth.

Jon had the great idea to hand her the little fork and try no avail.

She just batted away the spoon I would try to feed her with, so I finally just gave up and handed it to her.

Then that wasn't enough, and she wanted the bowl of cereal!

But now we can tell the pediatrician we have started solids before 6 months, and we will start table food next week at the 6 month mark!

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