Sunday, April 14, 2019

Zada still sits quietly for most of Sacrament Meeting.  We usually leave her in her carseat until she voices her displeasure with that plan.

Her sitting is getting so very strong now!  She sits and plays with (looks at!) little Kira when she comes with me to the Primary room.  It's so fun to watch.  Of course, Kira is older by about 4 months, so she mainly just steals Zada's toys!

Happy Early Easter today!  We celebrated at Grandmere and Bapa's house with an egg hunt!  The weather was pretty dodgy, so it was inside, but super fun with all the kids running around!

Little Miss had her own basket, and Daddy helped her find her treasures.

Before the hunt began!

Add Thomas!

Look at this haul!  Grandmere was very generous in her Easter gifts for the girls.

And Thomas!

The girls all got a shirt.  They were so cute!

And these super cool bracelets for each girl.

Miss Zada just sat and dazzled us with her giant egg!

SUCH an Easter cutie in her little pastel outfit!
We enjoyed celebrating with Grandmere, Bapa, and family.

When we got home, our new monitor was there waiting for us, and it's so cool to be able to see her!  I've never had a video monitor and it really is so helpful.  Sleep away, little babe!

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