Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Princess Party

The long awaited Princess Party finally arrived! Here are the cute cupcakes I made for the occasion.

Leiden was very impressed with their sparkly-ness. Just right for a princess.

Pre-party dressing. She did have a crown, but decided not to wear it. She's all about natural hair these days. She has to be talked into clips, bows, and hair ties.

The Young Princess. She was all decked out in her Snow White costume.

Blowing out the candles. (Terrible picture quality.)

Brad gave Mac some cupcake. Needless to say, she wanted more. And more.
Eating cupcakes.
Princess glitter playdoh. Brad fashioned Leiden a glittery dragon.
After the presents. There were really no good shots during presents, as there were always other kids in the camera's view, and Leiden insists on holding whatever she's gotten right in front of her face when I take a pic.
All in all, it was a good party. I learned some things that will be taken into account for future parties, and most importantly, Leiden had fun. Thanks to everyone who came!
Happy Birthday, Leiden!


Scrappycook said...

Love the picks on the cupcakes - cute!

David said...

Wish I had been there...I had my princess gown all ready to go!

Macdonalds said...

How adorable-love the cupcakes.

p.s. Hope you are all recovering! I'm so sorry about your week so far.