Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

We've never done gingerbread houses in our family--I didn't do them growing up, and Brad recalls doing them, but we've never tried it out with the girls. We did on December 6, and they loved it!

Leiden was all about putting the frosting on the house to decorate with--yet another independence thing which she can't actually do herself.

Mac was just thrilled that there were bowls of candy sitting on the table--where she could reach them! We kept saying no, and so she stopped actually eating the candies, and proceeded to just taste the candies before putting them back in the bowl.

We finally convinced her to put a candy on the house instead of in her mouth.

Then she decided that was pretty fun, and so continued. Generally putting things where Leiden didn't want them, resulting in more saying no--this time from Leiden.

Aha. The candy tastes even better AFTER we've dipped it in the frosting on the roof.

Of course, I failed to get a finished picture of the house, but it's more fun to look at the girls. I think we'll do that every year.

1 comment:

Em said...

That is awesome! How fun! It looks like your girls loved it! Did you make the gingerbread by yourself?