Monday, March 8, 2010

Brad took Leiden for a skiing lesson last Saturday...we were really worried she wouldn't like it, but she loved it. The lesson was two hours long, and she wanted to stay all day. They ended up staying for an extra 3 hours afterwards! Here she is before the lesson--this is also the POTD for 3/6/10:

She did such a great job! We are so proud of her, and glad we've found something she likes. She told us, "It's okay that I don't like swimming lessons. I'll do skiing instead."

She was absolutely exhausted at the end of the excursion. The ski slope was about an hour away, and she slept the whole way home.
Here's some video--it's really long, but great for grandparents! Go Leiden!


The Minnesota Preators said...

I am SOOO glad she liked it!! She is adorable. Hope you enjoyed Welch Village!

Melissa said...

Wow she did such a great job!!! Go Leiden!!

Kimberly said...

Love the video! That is great. Wow! Although, I do have to laugh at the surfing song. What? Great footage. She did so good. Makes me want to take my girls next winter. Yeah Leiden!

David said...

Leiden that is fabbo! I am so impressed. I laughed almost all the way through the video. I'm very proud of you Little Miss.