Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Last Week

Whew--this one's a doozy, folks! Pictures galore! I mean, seriously, there are like 25 pictures in this post.

This is Miriam 2/27/10: she sleeps at night, but screams all day!

Here's Mac, desperately trying to take a picture. The camera wasn't even on. The other day she got my camera off the table--my nice, expensive camera--and toted it over to me at the couch. She is amazing at figuring out when I'm stuck on the couch nursing and then doing something she knows she shouldn't. This is the POTD 2/28/10.

Both Mac and Leiden have shown a startling desire to tote baby dolls around and put them where we put Mimi. We have two carriers--long story--and while Mimi was sleeping in one of them (which I don't think has happened since then--the sleeping without being held, I mean), Mac put dolly in the other carrier. She is forever asking to do the 'seatbelt'. This is Miriam 2/28/10.

This is the POTD 3/1/10. I braved the grocery store with all three kids that afternoon. If Mimi falls asleep in the car, there is a slightly bigger chance she will sleep. Luckily, that afternoon, she did. I don't know how often I'll take all of them, but I felt pretty good about the day's accomplishments!

Miriam 3/1/10. You sometimes forget how little she is, and then you see her up against Brad.

Please pass some Mimi!

Main Entry: Screaming Mimi
Pronunciation: \ˈskrē-miŋ\ \ˈmēmē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Early 13c., earlier shreamen (c.1200), of uncertain origin, similar to words in Scandinavian, Du., Ger., and Flem. (cf. O.N. skræma "to terrify, scare," Swed. scrana "to scream," O.H.G. scrian, Ger. schreien "to cry"). The noun is attested from 1510s. "Mimi" from a French woman's name.
1. Screaming mimi (or meemie) is World War I army slang, originally a soldiers' name for a type of Ger. artillery shell that made a loud noise in flight
2. My daughter

Presenting Miriam 3/2/10:

Grandmere came into town today, representing the second relief contingency. It is so wonderful to have help here, although things went fine on Monday when I was alone. I have been sewing like crazy with Grandmere here, trying to fit all the muslins for wedding ensembles. Hopefully things will settle down with Mimi before the wedding so I can sew up the real things! This was the POTD 3/2/10:

She's really funny right after she nurses. Her little hands just fall where they fall.
Miriam 3/3/10:

Here is sweet Mac, binky in tow, with a too-big-dress-up-dress. "Pincess" is what she calls herself when she dresses up.

Mommy and Mimi:

Here is POTD 3/3/10: Leiden loves to 'help' soothe Mimi, whispering, "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh" in her ear when she's sad, and asking if she's okay. So sweet. Leiden is still trying to find her place in this new family arrangement.

Miriam 3/3/10: She loves to hang over someone's arm. It's one of the positions that makes her stop crying...sometimes.

Love the gas smiles. They are so cute, and harbingers of real ones to come.

Miriam 3/4/10: Slumpy little thing.

She looks so pensive.

Mac's 3rd 2nd birthday party. She's going to be under the impression that birthdays last for weeks at a time. POTD 3/4/10:

Two things: First, this picture was not approved by Brad. That's my disclaimer. Second, I'm including it anyway because it's indicative of life around here these days--we're tired and yawning all the time!
Miriam 3/5/10:
Mac got into the Desitin. Sigh... Of course, you can see me in the background, blurry, but laughing. I was nursing the baby, and someone else had to clean it up. She came out and told Brad she was shaving.
Things headed south after that--she spread it in to her eyes and all over her chest. Super. That landed her in the bathtub for the second time that day.
The girls were running around with hats that were meant for baby, and I caught them, again from the couch, playing. POTD 3/5/10:
Sweet pea in one of her rare quiet, not crying, awake moments. Laying on daddy's chest is so nice. Miriam 3/6/10:
She does not like having her diaper changed. At all.
She was so quiet and happy this morning, just staring at me and Brad. She was smiling at me with her eyes open, but we missed them with the camera.
Miriam 3/7/10: Thanks, Grandma, for the new little play gym!

1 comment:

Scrappycook said...

She is just beautiful - I love all of that hair! It sounds like you have your hands full. Let me know if you need anything.