Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Things are absolutely crazy right now--if you haven't heard, we're moving, so this is a little late in coming...but here's the catch up.

This is what I find most mornings when I go into the girls room. Leiden knows she is not to turn on the light or go anywhere in the house save the bathroom. So, she has invented a way to be able to read in the mornings. She pulls out the dresser drawers and wedges the darkening shade in between two of them and can then see to read. POTD 3/11/10:

Here are one of those adorable gas smiles--or a half smile, as it were. Miriam 3/11/10:

When Mimi is mad, she is MAD. Miriam 3/12/10:

Like I said, we're moving--to these apartments. On Saturday. Fast, I know. We only decided on Friday last week, so it's fast for us, too. POTD 3/12/10:

Mac still loves to undress herself. Luckily she has not fully gotten her diaper off, yet, although I've had to tell her no a couple times when I've seen her starting to undo the tabs. Putting clothes on, however, is a little more difficult. Here's an attempt.

Love it when they look right at you. Miriam 3/13/10:

And it's pretty cute when they look at the camera, too.

POTD 3/13/10: I went out walking, today. For the first time in I don't know how long. I was only gone for about 20 minutes, but it was nice. I've got to get in gear for a half marathon in the fall. Very bold of me.

We try to give Miriam a bottle a day, although it doesn't always work out that way. Leiden wanted to help, so we set her up on the couch with me and she fed her!

As you already saw/heard in the previous post, Leiden gave her talk in Primary and so here is the picture documenting the occasion. POTD 3/14/10:

This also marked Miriam's first venture out to church. Here she is all gussied up for the day. Miriam 3/14/10:

We went to the library, and I undid Mac's seatbelt only to have her bolt out of her carseat and climb into the front. She was pretty excited to sit where mommy does. No, the keys were not in the ignition, and no, they were not in the car, either.


Scrappycook said...

You are moving?! Did you sell you house!? I am assuming you are moving closer to Brad's work - which is good for your family but sad for our ward.

Adria said...

Huh? What's this about moving? I haven't heard about the house selling or are you going forward anyways? News please. Mimi looks adoreable as do the other girls.