Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Holy Smokes

This has to take the cake for the longest post ever. There are a billion pictures here, because I haven't posted for two weeks--and it's been busy! This is POTD 3/16/10. The girls were dancing with daddy, and Leiden was doing some awesome moves.

Like this one--made particularly stunning by her skinny feet pajamas!

This was shaping up to be a great picture, until Leiden jumped in the way. I still kind of like it.

Miriam 3/16/10: Her head is always turned to one side or another--the doctor told me with Mac that it's because their neck muscles are so underdeveloped.

I propped Mimi on the couch the other day. She did pretty well, and liked looking out the window.

Then she started tipping... (This is Miriam 3/17/10.)

And this is after she had tipped all the way. She didn't want to sit on the couch anymore after that.

Love St. Patrick's Day. Love corned beef brisket. Love cabbage. Don't know why I don't do it more often throughout the year! POTD 3/17/10:

POTD 3/18/10: This was Leiden's last day of school. We tried not to dwell on the things she would be leaving behind when we moved, and tried to focus on the things that would be new and exciting.

This is POTD 3/19/10: The garage, all ready to load up the next day for the big move.

Mimi did not enjoy playing dress up with the girls.

One of the (many) reasons we decided to recarpet the entire house before putting it up for sale. Yes, that is a handprint on the stairs. Made by--guess who!--Mac, after making an even bigger mess in the basement with some great, expensive tinted lip gloss. The stuff is worse than grease paint.

Here is Mimi chillin out in the new place. Kind of like peek-a-boo. They seem to look you right in the eye so rarely these first couple months. Love it when you catch it on 'film'.

Miriam 3/20/10: The funny faces have started a bit. Still waiting for those great full on smiles.

Here is a similar pile of stuff in the apartment. Waiting to be sorted and sifted through. Joy.

Mimi is showing a bit more tolerance for her little play gym. She bats at the toys and will look at herself in the mirror.

Miriam 3/21/10: Can't remember why we did this in the sink, but it was pretty cute. She does enjoy her baths, but the water has to be pretty hot or she shivers and cries.

POTD 3/21/10: We thought we were done with this ratty old table. Turns out it's good we kept it, because we are using it again here in the apartment while using our new NICE table to stage the house. Sigh.

For about the last 5 or 6 weeks, Leiden has appeared to have a bit of difficulty hearing us talk to her. For the first little bit we were exasperated, and kind of teased her about needing her hearing checked. Then I started to get a bit worried. She really wasn't hearing us. She would repeat back what she thought she heard, and it was like playing telephone as a little kid. What came out at the end was nothing like what went in in the beginning. I finally took her to the doctor to rule out any physical problems. Now we feel bad because she REALLY COULDN'T HEAR! She had an ear infection in one ear and a condition called 'glue ear' in the other. We've finished a round of antibiotics, and we'll get rechecked next week. Poor girl. POTD 3/22/10:

This is an outfit I love. My mom bought it for Leiden when she was 2, and it is so cute. Well, Mac spilled chocolate milk on it. (Did you know chocolate milk stains?!) I knew this from previous experience, so I sprayed it with stain stuff. The spraying was pre-move, so things got hectic, and it wasn't washed for a few days. It came out looking like it had been slightly bleached. I'm trying to decide if I should try to duplicate the look all over the outfit--Naartjie is known for its randomness--or just forget it and send it to Goodwill. POTD 3/23/10:

My first order of business after we moved was to find new things and friends for Leiden. Luckily the bishop's wife up here has a 4 year old that will be in Leiden's primary class. We went to the field house to play one morning. Here is Leiden headed down the inflatable slide.

It took Mac a bit of effort to get up, but Leiden was a model big sister and helped her along.

POTD 3/24/10: Ready, set...

And somehow Mac misses the 'go!'.

Mac has created a log jam going up the 'stairs', because of course she's right in the middle with no room for kids to go on either side.

Miriam 3/24/10: She's a sweetie.

Even when she's sad.

She's got hair that reminds me of her cousin, Max's. Same mohawk qualities.

To infinity and beyond!

POTD 3/25/10: The girls are forever asking if they can hold Mimi--usually right when she's screaming to be fed. I try to say yes whenever I can, you know, to promote sisterly affection, and this is the cuteness I get:

Mimi was the recipient of some darling things from Aunt Lori and Alysha. SO CUTE!

Kind of a funny little half smile. Miriam 3/25/10:

Here's one of the full outfits from Aunt Lori.

Mac has started taking off her diaper. It has never been dirty--yet. She keeps putting on Leiden's underwear and sometimes the baby's diaper covers and calling them underwear. So, I decided to see if I could train her. As if I don't have enough going on right now. Biggest problem? She won't sit on the toilet. So we went to Target and she picked out a potty seat, and picked out the underwear she wanted (Minnie Mouse? She's never even seen Minnie Mouse, but those are the ones she chose). She spent the rest of the trip swinging out the potty seat to unsuspecting Target customers, saying rather loudly, "I have new potty seat!" At one point, she showed it to some teenagers, who were less than impressed, and at one point she called it her 'poop seat'. The guests at Target got more than they paid for that day. POTD 3/26/10:
Miriam 3/27/10:
The house wasn't up for sale officially, yet, but our realtor put a temporary sign in the yard so people could spot it while driving around. POTD 3/27/10:
POTD 3/28/10: Okay, so this was Miriam's blessing day. I had to get all the kids ready to go to church by myself, as Brad had his Lord of the Rings marathon the night before. And I had to do it early so Mac could take a nap at the house before church. So, what did I forget? My good camera. So, we have NO pictures of Mimi in her gown, nor any of us as a family on that day. Ugh. So, I've already talked Brad into getting his suit on and dressing us all up this Sunday for pictures. They'll come, and it's totally cheating, but we need pictures.
After church that day, our friends, the Fairchilds, invited us over for dinner. It was a lovely evening, with food, conversation, and impromptu entertainment. The kids put together a silent band (the best kind?) and Mac had a turn as the lead singer. Love the Fairchilds.
Here's Mac and Mommy.
Brad put a giant flower in Mimi's hair later that night, and this was Mimi 3/28/10:
She's just growing like a weed.
Mac is incapable of eating without making a mess, and this messy face was very reminiscent of the Joker. It was actually a little bit creepy.
Leiden pretending to be asleep.
POTD 3/29/10: We have been very lax with Family Home Evening, and this represents our commitment to doing it every week. We talked about having a house of order this week. Seriously, I can't keep the apartment clean. But it doesn't help that the kids don't pick up ANYTHING after themselves.
Mimi 3/29/10: Taken at night, in front of the computer screen. A split second before this picture was taken, she had a big grin on her face. We'll catch one yet.
I took this on a whim--Brad has instituted 'Tuesday Tie Day' for his own personal career, and he always remembers.
Another little half smile. Mimi 3/30/10:
The girls try to include Mimi in their play whenever they can. This is during a Polly Pocket round. She's not quite sure what to think.
I had my 6 week check up! I cannot believe that Mimi is 6 weeks old already! There are, of course days (and nights!) where it seems like she's been screaming for years, but the time is already flying. I'm so glad I've kept pretty religiously the picture of the day for her. I think I've only missed 3 or 4 days. At any rate, the doctor okayed exercise, so I've got to get cracking.
And that should take us pretty close to caught up. I'll try to be more consistent. I know there are people who look at this very regularly, and have been disappointed for the past while. Sorry. Just been really busy.

1 comment:

Adria said...

It was about time for a post. It's not like you've been busy or anything. The girls look darling as usual. I miss the old Tahoe. Hope you guys are enjoying it. I really do like it better than the new one. And BTW stop dissing the ugly table. I was so jealous when my mom gave that to you guys. It was a lot better looking than the one Rob and I had for the first several years of marriage. Not to mention I ate on that table growing up. It's got history. You know you can't ever get rid of it.