Friday, January 11, 2013


Mimi worked on her marshmallow snowman this morning, and Mac brought home a cute little painted hat picture from school.  Combined with the snowflake Leiden made some time ago, I'd say we're pretty festive!
I have just today discovered green smoothies.  This is not the most appealing picture, except it does show the bright green smoothie!  I am astounded at how easy it is to mask the taste of two giant handfuls of greens!  And it's a super easy way to get multiples servings of fruits/vegetables in at once. 
We went this afternoon to pick out a new dryer, and while we were there, we decided to just replace the washer, too, so they would be a matching pair should we ever decide to move.  Brad went back tonight to pick them up in the big car.  I am very excited to do laundry!  It's amazing how badly you want to do laundry when you can't!

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