Friday, January 4, 2013


Whew!  It's 9:30 PM and we made it home!  Yay!  Mac sat by a stranger again, and talked to her much of the time.  She also expected her to help with anything she may have needed, from opening her suitcase to get something, to holding things for her while she went to the bathroom.  The man next to me and Mimi complemented me on my raising of the girls that they would behave so well on a plane.  I'm not sure how he could make any kind of truthful comment from the short time we were sitting by him, but he was very nice and it was very nice of him to say so.
While waiting for our baggage, the girls ran in circles.
We had so much fun in Utah!  Thank you so much for everything, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandmere, and Bapa!  Now it's back to real life!  Brad is sick, possibly with influenza, as it has made its rounds through his coworkers.  Hopefully that's not the case, as Mimi already started coughing a little.  It is winter, after all.

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