Monday, January 7, 2013


Another one down!  Leiden has had another wiggly tooth, and the looser they get, the more bothered she becomes.  She was getting to the point with this one that she couldn't read out loud and was having trouble even talking without having to put it back in its place with her tongue.  We went through the runaround, me asking her if she wanted me to get it out, her agreeing, and then me being a little too squeamish to just yank on it.  Lightly knocking a tooth with your finger really only accomplishes a little bit of twinge that makes her cry and no tooth for the tooth fairy!
Finally she got brave and asked me to try again, and I tried to get hold of myself and the tooth in that order, and pulled.  Out it came!  There was, as always, a little bit of crying labeled happy tears, but are really a little hysterical, and then she went to bed!  I keep thinking it will get better, but...all I can say is that I'm glad, for both her sake and mine, that she will be a couple years older when those molars come out.

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