Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happy Birthday Leiden!

The big day has arrived!  Happy Birthday my first sweet girl!

As always, presents in the morning.  She got a really cool detailed coloring book.

A new umbrella!

And last but not least, a voucher for another betta fish!  She got one at her dad's house, but I thought she would like having one here at home, too.

This spunky little girl is 11!  I can hardly believe it.  She has changed so much, and I know more change is afoot.  She has really developed her nurturing side a lot this last little while.  I notice it a lot with Thomas...not so much her sisters, though!  With them she is still very much a sister, not a nurturer!

We went to the pet store, and SOMEHOW I got talked into TWO betta fish!  She picked out a cream colored one and named him Angel, and a black and red one whom she named Dude!

This afternoon was Leiden's patriotic program, which was SO fun to go listen to.  It's the exact same program I produced with my two 5th grade classes 11 and 12 years ago, so it was a special treat for me.  I still remember almost all the songs, and they did a great job putting their own spin on it.

Mimi wore her flag shirt to help celebrate!

The birthday festivities will proceed through the weekend, drawing birthday out as usual!  

Happy Birthday, Leiden!  And many more!

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