Saturday, June 18, 2016

Glacier Day 2

Today was an amazing day.  We were exhausted after yesterday's hike, so we slept in and then headed out to hike to Iceberg Lake.  A bit of an easier hike, gaining 1275 feet over almost 5 miles, then back.  It was a GORGEOUS hike, with perfect hiking weather.  Overcast, and cool.  On the way up we saw Bill Nye!  He was literally wearing lederhosen, which was hilarious. Then a couple hours later, THIS!  A lovely lake mostly covered in ice nestled in this cirque.  The water was barely peeping out from under the ice.  Jonathan dove into the lake again, but this time another guy had the same idea, so they kind of did it together.  I wasn't sure I felt up to jumping in this one, so I just took video of the madness!

The clouds were SO low today as we drove to the hike.  The wind was blowing them right up the sides of the mountains and across the roads.  It was absolutely stunning.

On the way back down the mountain after the hike, it started raining, and we got soaked.  I had thought to pack ponchos, which we broke out and traipsed down the trail.  We went to dinner and in our exhaustion we ate and went back to the cabins to bed!

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