Monday, March 4, 2019

In preparation for her 6 month mark and starting solids, we got a new booster/high chair for her!  It came today and I immediately assembled.  It sits on a kitchen chair, and doubled as a new place to play until she's eating in it!

She's still pretty slumpy, which is to be expected, but it was awesome to introduce a change of scenery for her, especially while I'm in the kitchen cooking!

We have had her on Tamiflu, and it has been awful.  It makes her feel awful, evidenced by her acting awful.  I know it made me feel sick to my stomach, so I was very concerned she would feel poorly, also.  She clearly hates it because she pushes it away when we try to give it to her and cries.  So we decided today to just stop it.  The other girls seem fine, and at this point, the potential benefit of protection isn't worth her reaction.  Dr. Erickson left it up to us, so we just stopped.

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