Saturday, May 25, 2019

Happiest of birthdays to Miss Leiden!!  She's with her dad today, so we will celebrate with her and family next week.

Jon had some work to do to set up the drip system for all our plants.  I appreciate his hard work getting these things ready for the season!

After a walk we realized we had locked ourselves out.  Jon had to climb into the kitchen window to let us in!

Tonight is the three year anniversary of our first date.  (Yes, our first date was on Leiden's birthday.) We celebrated by going to the same restaurant we went to that night.  Who would have thought! 

Zada did great, sitting there at the table with us.  We fed her little scraps of our tacos...she likes cactus!

It was a really fun evening spent together reminiscing about our courtship and everything that has happened since.  I am so blessed to be this man's wife.

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