Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day to me!  I had hoped Zada would stay asleep better if I laid her on a classroom floor, but she still just went the normal 30 minutes at church.  

This did allow her to hang out with her buddy Kira in primary!

The girls helped Jon get these lovely peach trees for me!

They are freestone, and they already have a bunch of little green peaches growing on them!  No waiting even though the trees are pretty small.  I can't wait!

The girls had lots of lovely gifts for me.  Mac's teacher did silhouettes of the students, which I loved.  I've always loved silhouettes!  This is very clearly Mac!

This note accompanied the silhouette.

Mimi's gift was a paper bag book.

This little bar graph and corresponding person/pie graph cracked me up.

Lots of flip pages and hidden messages.

There was an anagram,

and a cute little pot of tissue paper flowers.  So sweet!

Both Mac and Mimi also presented little notes they had written in Activity Days.

First Mimi's,

Then Mac's.

Along with the cards, these pots and seeds.

Leiden presented me with these bulbs, which I'm super excited about.  I have to figure out where she and I can plant them!

The girls also gave me this necklace they made at their dad's house.  Super cool wood and wood resin designs.
I am so grateful for these girls!

This evening we went up to Grandmere's house for dinner and Thomas and Zada were absolutely hilarious.  They totally reminded us of the two grumpy yet jovial old men in the Muppets.  Little pundits just putting their opinions out there!

It was a lovely Mother's Day.  The girls and Jon were very generous and helped me feel loved.  I also enjoyed celebrating my own mom.  She is so special to me, and the longer I am a mother, the more I appreciate her and her efforts all these years.  And especially I appreciate her love.  Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!

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