Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mimi got to have pajama day at school today, and she was super excited!  I don't blame her, I like being in my jammies all day, too!

We decided Zada needed more than just the living room to explore, so we took the gate down.  For now, there is a chair across the spot to the stairs, so she can explore safely.  She LOVED it.  She loved wandering around the new places, getting into things, and reminding me of all the things I still needed to do to babyproof! 

And she also reinforced that I have some bad habits I need to right, like leaving groceries on the floor! 

She was particularly excited to be around while I was working on recovering my mom's rocker for her photo shoot next month!

I got the witch hat fascinator onto a headband, and put it on her today.  I need her to be used to wearing it so she doesn't try to rip it off the whole time I'm trying to take pictures!  She'll be the sweetest little witch!

The girls went out for a September 11 picture.  They may not ever really understand exactly why that day is so important because they didn't live through it, but I'm glad schools talk about it, and that our flag was put out for this day of remembrance! 

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