Saturday, September 28, 2019

Zada got a new walking toy!  We thought this might help her feel more confident in walking, and she LOVED it!

She enjoyed just bulldozing over everything,

and had a great time being pushed around on it.

LOOK at those faces of joy.

This afternoon we met Jordan, Alicia, and Faith at Cross E Ranch for some fall fun!  There were live animals to see.  The donkey in the background was braying when and it was almost comical.

The goats were so excited to have even a hint of something to eat.  Faith was really kind and gave each of the girls a quarter to buy a handful of animal food.

Goats are really funny.

They had all these funny little cut out boards and I just died with Zada's face in this one.

We all took turns on the ziplines, which were super fun in their simplicity.

The girls headed to the sack slides next, although Leiden declined.  I think she's feeling the press of 'growing up' more now.  I'm not sure if she was embarrassed and truly not interested, or if she just felt like a mature 14 year old SHOULDN'T be interested!

There was a giant corn maze that the girls figured out in no time flat.  Jon and I took Zada in the simplest one and just walked for a few minutes, and got some GREAT shots!!

The tractor ride took us out to the fields where their beautiful black angus cows graze.  It was super fun!

Zada had great faces for ALL the cutout picture ops!

And so did the other girls!

I'm not sure why they all chose the bat to put their face in, but Zada was interested in all of them.

These two made a very stern and imposing husband with a mischievous wife!

Last but not least, apple cider donuts!  We got a bunch, and lucked out that one was messed up while we were waiting for our payment to go through, so we got an extra on the house!

It was such a lovely fall evening to be out and about.  The rain and its threat kept most people away, so it was not only nice and cool, but uncrowded.  Thank you Jordan and Alicia for getting this idea together to celebrate fall!!

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