Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mom invited us up to Mike's house in Heber for Sunday dinner today.  They are house sitting for the night, and we thought it would be fun to go up amongst the color!  And it was certainly stunning!  The whole drive up was just exclamation after exclamation.  Something about the fall color really speaks to my soul.  I see brightly colored trees and I just get super excited.

We spent some time outside playing on the swings 

and the slide in the backyard.

Then we admired the color in the yard and beyond. 

I got some beautiful pictures of all the girls. 

Mac always gets such huge smiles out of Zada.

Then we went out on their ATV, and all the girls got to drive it! 

We went out to a field next to a parking lot near Soldier Hollow and let them have it! 

I was a little nervous to just be holding Zada, but we didn't go very fast at any point. 

Grandmere was funny with all her gasping and exclaiming when we would lurch or skid a little. 

I even took a turn, and it was super fun! 

Zada loved to be outside with the wind in her hair. 

Then we looked down at the road, and her SHOE was sitting there!  Totally randomly we found it.  We would have gotten back to Mike's, realized we didn't have it, and given it up for lost. 

Leiden was super excited to drive it, and wanted to drive it on the street. 

What a fun activity! 

To end the night, there was a lovely cotton candy sky as the sun went down. 

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