Saturday, July 6, 2013


It's moving day!  I didn't get a chance to take any pictures until the storage unit was almost completely cleared's done, and I'm so excited to be moving on in this next step!  Of course, now I have to unpack!

We went to get some dinner after the long day was done.  We are all tired, and need to go to bed!  We won't be attending our new ward tomorrow because I am teaching Relief Society in my parents' ward tomorrow.  So it will be our farewell day. 

Everyone worked so hard, and I appreciate greatly Madison and Joni, my parents, my uncle Mark, my cousin Max, and Madison's friend for their help.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad that day is over!!! It is onward and upward from here. We are so proud of you and the incredible way you are handeling this new life.
love Mom and Dad