Sunday, July 21, 2013


First day for the girls at our new ward!  They were happy to be there, and had a great time in their classes.  Leiden is in a class with like 7 little boys and she's the only girl.  Mimi is gargantuan compared to the other nursery children, and no one could believe she is not in Primary yet.  Mac had more success with girls in her class, and had a great time.  Here they are outside our building, all decked out.

Mimi WROTE HER NAME during Sacrament Meeting, today...I look down, and she's making 'm's and 'i's.  Super cute.  What a smart little cookie.

She is also continuing her foray into people.  These people have faces!  And feet!  I love watching this progression.

Mac's milestone today was learning how to blow bubbles!  This one went all over her face...later in the evening it got in her hair...for future reference, peanut butter really does work! 

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