Tuesday, November 17, 2015


POOR little Meemer!  She took one heck of a tumble this morning on the way to school.  The story is that she tripped and literally face planted on the concrete.  As in her hands didn't break her fall at all.  After squaring her away, I had to get the other two girls out of class to ask them questions about it.  Did she pass out?  Did she immediately start crying?  Did she lay on the ground for any amount of time before getting up?  After I had all my questions answered, I got hold of the doctor, and relayed the information.  He seemed to think she was fine.  Stressed that head injuries can swell up like crazy, and gave me things to watch out for in the next 12 hours.  Poor sweetheart.  It looks bad, but she's going to be okay.

In more positive news...I am addicted to this homemade taco seasoning!  I tried it a few months ago, and it is SO GOOD.  Store taco seasoning has always made my tummy just a tiny bit upset, but this stuff doesn't!  So instead of mixing up just what I need, tonight I mixed up a whole jar full to be used whenever I want!

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