Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Yet again Mimi strikes with something fun for Zada to do.  She tried putting things in each corner of the fitted sheet to make it stay up, but it wouldn't.  Undeterred, she figured she'd do it herself!

Mac has been hard at work making cute little rings with the 3D pen.  Those pens have been used so much.  They were an excellent present for the girls!

Leiden is at girls camp with her dad's ward this week, and the girls wanted to go to the pool today, so I braved it!

Zada was darling in her little swimsuit that basically doesn't fit because she's growing so fast.

I asked Mimi to snag some pictures of Zada while I sat with her in the shallow.

And she got this one of me!  I'm so rarely in pictures I don't take myself, and I was grateful Mimi got one of just me.

We brought along Zada's floatie and zoomed her around for a bit.  She was a little slumpy in it, so I was really careful because the water was so close to her face, but she had a great time, even when she splashed herself!

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