Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dave and Debra

Today is my birthday! For those of you who don't know, I am 28 now. I thought it would be appropriate to talk about my parents, Dave and Debra, today, as they are the reason I'm here! I have a wonderful mother and father. They have been so supportive of me--even when that support meant saying goodbye as we went across the country. They love me so much, and I them.

Since becoming a parent myself, I have come to better understand, although only marginally, how it is to love another more than myself. As young children, and really until we have our own, we rarely understand that depth of feeling. We become desensitized to our parents, often failing to recognize the things they do for us. I am so grateful for them. They are so wise, and I can only hope to achieve that kind of wisdom in my lifetime. They have taught me the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and exhibit faith in our Savior, and continue to influence my life, although from a farther distance! They have prepared me in so many ways to be a mother myself. I don't always do what I should, and I make plenty of mistakes, but I am who I am because of them.

I have reason to know that I knew my parents and chose them before coming here to this Earth. What an excellent choice I made. I love you, mom and dad! Thanks for bringing me into this world 28 years ago.


Scrappycook said...

Happy Birthday! Any special plans for the day?

The Minnesota Preators said...

Happy Birthday Mercedes! What a wonderful tribute to your parents. Have a wonderful day!

Kelley Flint said...

Happy Birthday Mercedes. Hope you have a great day. It sure has been forever since I've seen your parents. Hope they're doing well.

Kelly said...

Congratulations - happy birthday!

Emily said...

Dough! I knew your B-day was coming up & spaced it. For some reason, I was thinking it was at the end of the month. My bad! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of the coolest people ever. Have Brad treat you extra special! Mucho love to you!!!!

Tracey said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (you old fart;););)!!! I also knew that it was your birthday and spaced it! I hope it was a good one!!!