Monday, January 5, 2009

Funny Mac

If you have been to my shop in the last day or two, there are two applique tees up now! This was my favorite outtake of Mac's.

Today was a good day for my store. I made two sales today! If only I could have two every day! Of course, if I did, I'd have to hire out, and that's not allowed on etsy! I'm going to settle for my camera by the end of the year. Look for some new stuff hopefully this week. I'm waiting for my serger to be repaired, and it really puts a cramp in my style. It had better run when I get it.

Well, we're all caught up, so ta-ta for now. I think it dates me that I type it all out instead of acronym-ing. Not that I would ever claim to be cool. TTFN!


Macdonalds said...

We had so much fun with you guys! Mac looks darling, that is a great pic. Gavin keeps asking to go play with Leiden(this is during his spurts of feeling better of course). We miss you guys already. Way to go on your sales, you are talented! Hopefully we will see you again soon.

David said...

On your way to becoming a magnate! As Leiden would say, "Wowsers".