Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well, I'm finally feeling better, so I thought I should update the blog! Last Sunday was Leiden's second Sunday as a Sunbeam in Primary, and her first talk! We thought about it all week, and finally sat down to write it on Saturday, and she practiced talking really loud. Her friend Ella had given her talk the week before and the microphone died, so we thought we'd be without one. At home and with those she's comfortable with, she's incredibly loud, but put her in front of even one person she doesn't know very well, and she clams right up. If you can get her to say anything, you can't hear it, so we knew that it was entirely possible that no one would hear her! We kept telling her to yell! And she would tell us that she couldn't yell in the church.

We got there, and she sat as still and quiet as can be up in the 'talk' chair, waiting for her turn, and lo and behold, the microphone had been fixed (rigged). Hooray! She was very excited to get up and talk into it, but she was not fidgety, she spoke clearly, and so sweetly. I felt very silly about getting so emotional, but I will admit I was teary eyed! She was so earnest.

Brad attempted to tape the talk, but his class and the other kids around him were distracted by the camera, and it picked up far more white noise than Leiden's voice. So, when we got home, we taped it there. Even in the quiet home, it is hard to hear. If you care to, turn up your sound!


Katey said...

That is adroable. I'm so glad I have cute things like that to look forward to as a mom!

David said...

Heaven is not so far away...