Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Curly's Boppie

We had a great time in SLC, incidentally. We went for a last hurrah before we have to join the masses in buying plane tickets to go places. Sigh.

One morning it was awfully quiet, so I wandered to the back room, and found this:

Leiden was putting boppies (diapers) on Curly. A lot of people wonder where 'boppies' comes from, when everyone else calls them diapers. The answer is my mother. I don't know where she got it, but when Leiden was a tiny baby and we lived there for about 5 weeks, that's what they were called, and it stuck!

Curly was very well diapered, and kept wetting and 'going poopies' in his diaper. Leiden opened and used about 6 that morning. But she was having fun!

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