Monday, April 27, 2009

Awesome Photography Blog

A friend from Leiden's preschool gave me this link while we were talking about photography and my fledgling skills. It's called Mom*tog, the lady's name is DrewB, and the site is all about moms taking better pictures of their kids, straight out of the camera. I've been reading all the back posts and learning things! Her style of photography is exactly the kind I want to emulate.

I've been thinking a lot about photography these days. Time and time again, you read in the Etsy forums that good photographs are paramount--read: good photography gets people to click. There are no horrible pictures in my shop, but there is absolutely room for improvement. And then there are my kids, who I love to catch at just the right moment--but often fail to catch them in the right light, with the correct shutter speed, correct ISO, and correct aperture. This is what is leading me to try to take all my pictures in Manual mode. Whew! I'm just glad there are people out there like DrewB who are willing to share some tips and tricks for free!

Go check her out, and join with me in pining for one of her private sessions! If I had the money, I'd fork it out!

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