Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hello, everyone! I hope your Easter Day has been full of the joy of our Savior.

I have a bunch of 'traditional' Easter pictures, etc. to share, but we'll do that tomorrow.

I was sitting in church today thinking about last year, and the marked difference in my outlook from then to now. Last year, I was struggling with postpartum depression at Easter, and I remember sitting in our chapel during Sacrament Meeting struggling not to cry--and not in a good way. There was no earthly reason for me to feel no joy, yet I didn't. I kept saying to myself, "I am not supposed to be feeling like this!" The whole meeting was a battle.

This year, though, was different. Obviously, the depression has long since (blessedly) left me, and I could focus on the beauty of the day. Our meeting today was actually a Regional Broadcast live from Salt Lake, and so we got to hear our Prophet, President Monson, again. I have new resolve to help others and try to make lives easier. What a blessing to be there this day with my beautiful children, and be able to feel the joy!

There have been many little things the past week or two that have stuck out to me, but last Sunday evening, Leiden asked what day the next day was, and I replied that it was Monday. Without hesitation, she said, "We'll have Family Home Evening!" And of course, my guilt was strong, as we are not always as diligent as we should be, but at least she is learning. So, the next night, we made a special effort to have FHE. We talked about Easter, and what it really means, and how Jesus Christ has given us a wonderful gift. I don't know how much a 3 year old understands about the powers of life and death, but I understand. And it is yet another gift we are given to be able to teach our children and have our own testimonies strengthened. As we talked about the Resurrection, my heart was full, and Brad and I talked to her about all the people she will meet someday because of Christ's gift to us. There are many people who have gone before who would have delighted in our little girls here. I think about my grandmother, in particular, a lot. I know how much she loved me, and I know she would have rejoiced at the wonder that is Leiden and Mac. We are so blessed.

Our ward has had the opportunity to have Sister Missionaries for a couple months, now, and so we women in the ward have had to step up our involvement in the day to day missionary effort. Usually the men in a ward do this, as there are usually male missionaries, but I have had the opportunity to go teach two different investigators with our missionaries, and it has reaffirmed my faith, and my knowledge of the gospel.

Christ lives. He lives now. He loves us. We will see our loved ones beyond this life. We are meant to feel joy!

Have a wonderful Easter, and rejoice in the springtime.


Emily said...

AMEN, SISTER!:) Mucho love to you. You're awesome and I miss you big time. Happy Easter!

Tracey said...

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings! I also send an "AMEN!" I look forward to seeing your pictures!

Adria said...

So glad you're doing better. Miss you guys. Hope all is well.