Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Festivities Part 4--Brad's Easter

Over the years, Easter has always been the 'optional' holiday for us. Sometimes we do something for each other, and sometimes we don't. I decided to do a riddle scavenger hunt for Brad, entitled, "Where My Peeps At?" (If you say it like a hoodlum would say it, it's funnier.) Brad loves those ghastly sugary peeps. Yuck. Anyway, I led him all over the house, with his quick little mind getting the answers to the riddles way too quick, and he found his Peeps!

Every once in a while Brad eyes me with a certain look, and I know I've surprised him in an amusing, funny, good way. Usually it's in response to something I've said (often unprintable), sometimes I get it when I can recite 90's rap music lyrics, and occasionally it will be in response to something I've done. I was rewarded this night with that look. Yes!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Mercedes, I am with you. I think the Peeps are so yucky. I always wondered who bought and liked those anyway. How nice of you to think of him!