Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Brad's New Job

So, last week Brad started his new job with Carlson Hotels last week. On Monday, the first day, Leiden and I decided to celebrate with a surprise dinner and dessert--Brad's favorites. His favorite meal is Lime Chicken Tacos, eaten on the hard taco shells. He can eat 6-8 at a sitting. And of course, chocolate cake.

This cake, by the way, was, as Brad put it, "temptation straight from the devil himself". Pretty heady praise from a chocolate cake lover! If you want the recipe, let me know. It was pretty awesome. And it made a giant 3 layer cake.

This was also the day after Mac burned her arm. I debated even putting this on, but here it is. It happened the night before, but by Monday, it was blistering and looked pretty bad. What I didn't know was that it would look far worse before it looked better!

She just took it all in stride, not even picking at the bandage the doctor showed me how to put on, and not even acting like anything hurt after the initial screaming. What a trooper, and what a sad thing! Hot pans and dishes go WAY further onto the table than they used to. Mac is definitely the one we have to watch in our house. She is into everything. Even hot dishes straight from the oven. Sigh.

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