Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Shop

Hey, friends! Here's a ramble for you:

So, Etsy has been a little discouraging. I love Etsy, but there are SO many shops there, and more opening every day. There are literally hundreds of thousands of items there. Children's clothing is a very saturated market there, so stuff seriously just gets lost in the shuffle. I was kind of wondering what I should do, and how to market without spending money, and wasn't really coming up with a whole lot, but then I read about a new venue, called 1000 Markets. It just went live a few months ago, so it's very fledgling and still trying to build traffic, but that was appealing to me. So I did some more reading.

I liked what I read--their fee structure is performance based, so you only pay them if you get paid, they advertise the site for you--or will, when it gets a bit bigger.

Then I got a little self conscious, because unlike Etsy, it is a juried site, which means that you set up a shop there, and then basically ask them to let you sell on their site. They scrutinize your shop, and then say yes or no. I read that more than half the applicants are turned away the first time. So of course, I wasn't sure I wanted to--that's scary. For the last week or two I've been debating. Should I? Shouldn't I? And meanwhile, I created a banner, and set up shop, still trying to decide if I was going to submit it. Then, yesterday, I put a new listing up on Etsy, which used to be a surefire way to get people to my site--views and hearts would go up noticeably on the days I listed stuff--but nothing happened yesterday. Almost no increase at all. So, last night I clicked the "I'm ready" button at 1000 Markets, and went to bed. This morning, they've said yes, and I'm live!

Anyway, check out the new place. All my stuff is the same, and many of the sellers on 1000 Markets are also on Etsy, but it's still neat to look around at the different interface.
General site:

If 1000 Markets makes it big like Etsy, I'll have a foot in the door early!


Macdonalds said...

That sounds pretty great. I hope it works well for you! You have some really cute items, so I'm not surprised they said yes.

Claire said...

Congratulations! Your shop is darling and I am sure you will have a ton of traffic! Next time you are in SL I need to get a sewing lesson...I'm sure I could learn alot from you!

Kimberly said...

Awesome. Congrats! I love your work. You do such a good job at sewing. I am so amateur.

Tracey said...

That's great! I had never seen that web site before, but I like it! your shop and products are just darling and I really like your logo. good luck:)