Sunday, April 4, 2010

Potty Time

I was hoping that getting the new potty seat would help her to sit on the toilet--and it has, but it took a few days. This was the first day she would actually sit there for a minute. This is POTD 3/31/10:

Both children have a rather disturbing obsession with potty things. Every time Mac condescends to sit on the toilet, Leiden HAS to come and watch. This is slightly better, however, than her need to watch me change both Mac's and Mimi's diapers. The dirtier and stinkier the better for Leiden. I have asked her why she's so interested, and she says she doesn't know.

So, Mac will sit on the potty, but has she gone on it? No. Lots of wet underwear, but none in the toilet. I'm not worried--I just don't think she's quite ready yet.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Ellie still screams like crazy when I put her on the toilet. Still no potty going into the potty:(. She's the crazy daredevil except for going to the bathroom on a toilet.
