Monday, May 17, 2010

Forever Catching Up

I've finally pinpointed one of my main troubles with the blog. I have gazillions of pictures all the time, and I think, "Oh, I'll save this batch for tomorrow or the next day, and that way I'll space out my posts instead of having 6 posts on one day a week." Well, in practice, this just gets me WAY behind. So, today there will be a bunch of posts!

While we were at the house several weeks ago, Leiden found this robin's egg in the grass. I think she was a little surprised at how gross they kind of are in real life. They are not like the plastic eggs from Target!

Miriam 4/28/10: As with the other two girls, Mimi loves to be outside--all 3 days she had had a chance on the day of this picture! Arms waving!

Mimi taking in some sun in the living room.
Miriam 4/29/10: This is what happens to Mimi as she hangs out in the bouncer seat. She hangs out of the bouncer seat!
This is POTD and Miriam 4/30/10: Mimi has lots of trouble going to sleep at night. She seems to fall asleep just fine, but then wakes up anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes later, and won't go back to sleep, even though she's tired. Brad got fed up with trying to get her to sleep again, so he brought her out to watch TV.
The girls are doing a really good job in the mornings. If the baby sleeps, I try to sleep in, because I'm still up with her anywhere from once to 3 times a night--that's a standard night. Bad nights are even worse. Anyway, rarely do I surface from my room with the baby and find giant messes, ruined things, or hurt children. If you know Mac, this is amazing. I found Leiden the other day 'sleeping' on the little kid table in the middle of the living room.

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