Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Baby is 5!

My first baby is 5 years old! I cannot believe how the time flies. She has grown and changed so much from the day she came to us 5 years ago. She is beautiful, smart, and creative. She was my first baby, so she holds that special place in my heart. I am so glad she came to us and that we have the opportunity to help her learn the things she needs to here on Earth. That piece causes a lot of guilt, as well, but it is a privelege to have such a beautiful daughter from our Heavenly Father.

None of these pictures are edited, so some might be dark/yellow--I'm too behind to do all of them!

1 year:

2 years: (There's a little resemblance to Mac...)

3 years:

4 years:

5 years:

Special breakfast, which Leiden reminds us to do for every one of our birthdays. Waffles, berries, fruit sauce, chocolate chips, cream, and sprinkles. Brad's a master. This is POTD 5/25/10:

A little birthday morning present--a fish tube for the pool.

Leiden's band-aids from the doctor visit. She was very brave, and only cried for a few seconds.

Out to lunch after the doctor:

Holding Mimi at the Barringers':

The birthday girl at her party. There were a billion pictures taken, so if you want to look at them, they are here, although none of them are edited, either. Grandparents, if you ever want pictures from that site, let me know before you purchase so I can edit them!

Happy Birthday, Leiden! You are such a big girl, and we love you!

1 comment:

David said...

Happy Birthday our pretty little Miss.