Monday, May 3, 2010


We've got to get through these pictures so I can get caught up! This is very picture heavy--here we go!

POTD 4/16/10: You could tell Mac got a little more lonesome every day Leiden was gone. And once I found out about the volcano, I stopped reassuring her that Leiden would be home on Saturday, because I didn't know when she'd be home!

But she found new and interesting ways to keep herself occupied.

POTD 4/17/10: Today I went running (jogging) for the first time in a long time. Gotta get in shape for the half in October. I could do it during the day because I only had the two kids. I forgot how much I love my double jogging stroller!

Mimi and mommy.

Mimi 4/17/10: Funny faces abound.

She loves bathtime--she will even calm down from fussiness as soon as you put her on the bathroom floor to fill her little tub. Amazing.

Mimi 4/18/10: I love the worried looks you get from them. They must think we're nuts.

POTD 4/18/10: I found Mac quietly standing on the balcony looking out--for Leiden, I imagine.

POTD 4/19/10: When we moved into this apartment, I could not find the lint trap on the dryer, and finally came to the conclusion that it must not have one. Which I thought was ridiculous. (Keep in mind we moved in at the end of March.) So then our clothes started being wet after running the dryer twice. I could not understand it, so again renewed my search for the lint trap. No good. I finally rooted out the owner's manual for the dryer and found out that the lint trap comes out the top of the dryer! Well, this is what I found. And inch thick wad of lint.

Sweet Mimi

Mimi 4/19/10: Great picture of the girls.

POTD 4/20/10: Finally they came home! By way of Toronto, the world travelers finally arrived here safely late that night. Hooray!

POTD 4/21/10: Mimi started making little noises while Brad and Leiden were gone, and I decided she needed to be a part of our Project 365 a little more than she is. She gets her own book for this year, but she's a part of our family, too. Here she is!

Another sweet face.

Mimi 4/21/10:

Mimi 4/22/10: I often find her sleeping with her mouth open. Is that genetic?

POTD 4/22/10: Getting ready for Brad's birthday--presents from all of us.

POTD 4/23/10: I made this banner and hung it for the big homecoming. It stayed up for several days after the fact.

Another vaguely worried face.

Mimi 4/23/10: Gotta love the double chin.

We took a little trip out to the house for Brad to do some maintenance, and the girls were happy to be somewhere they could run around. The joys of a yard.

Mimi just hung out in the breeze until it swept her off to sleep.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Cute pictures. I just want to kiss Mimi's sweet little cheeks! That's disgusting about the lint, but I'm glad you found it before your dryer caught fire or something:) It seems like it's been forever since we've seen each other. Mac's hair is getting so long! ...I still can't believe you have 3 kids!!!