Friday, January 7, 2011

The First Week of 2011!

It's a new year! Poor Mimi was still sick. This was what greeted me when I got her up from her nap today. Crazy hair and a sick nose. Miriam 1/1/11:

Brad had wanted to bring in the new year with fondue, but we got home too late last night to do it. So, New Year's dinner was broth fondue in our little fondue pot with vegetables and beef. It was crazy good.

Mimi has enjoyed roaming around our house again, but is struggling a little bit with all the hard floors. She slips and slides around a lot, which frustrates her a little.

Miriam 1/2/11: She's still getting up on her knees, now, which brings her much happiness, as her face would suggest.

We started the 1:00 PM church schedule today, which is so not my favorite time. So it's pretty much time to start dinner when you come home from church. Mimi likes to hang out with me in the kitchen, and she stands up against everything. At least she cannot reach the stove!

Mimi playing with daddy.
Miriam 1/3/11: When Brad comes home, she starts immediately crawling his way, right up to his shoes, and now she has started pulling up on his pants. So of course he obliges, and picks her up to play.
Mimi has started going up the stairs. I heard a noise the other day that came from a strange spot, and upon turning the corner, found her halfway up the full flight of stairs. Scared me to death, as she does not know how to go down. We only let her practice her new skill when there's someone to wait under her, and I've started taking her down the stairs a couple times every day, moving her little legs to get down safely.
1/4/11: Leiden starts dance class this week! We took a trip to get some ballet shoes and some tap shoes. She is super excited.
Miriam 1/4/11: Mimi was watching Brad through the window on the front door.
On Christmas morning, Brad informed me that I had my main present from him at home, and that he wasn't going to even tell me about it until I could see it. When we got home on the 31st, this was waiting for me. If you weren't aware, I did my best to take a picture every day last year. I did a pretty good job, certainly missing days, but remembering the majority. I had initially planned on doing a scrapbook of them, but decided a couple months ago (about when I stopped labeling the POTD's) that I would rather just have the blog printed as a book. I am totally a hoarder when it comes to pictures. Anyway, Brad had created 12 frames with spots for 32 pictures in each frame for my "POTD's". He ordered the 300 odd pictures and cut them to fit. The whole year is represented. It was an amazingly thoughtful gift, and one that will keep replenishing itself as I continue to take tons of pictures for every day/month/year to come! The girls loved it, too, standing before the frames and talking about the pictures. It's a lovely visual, tangible representation of our family in the last year and I'm so grateful for Brad's thinking of it!
Mimi likes them too--although generally just for banging them against the wall and swinging them on their wires. Miriam 1/5/11:
The other thing she loves is to play with her high chair. She is so limber now, standing up and getting down with such ease.
Although sometimes it's clear she wasn't expecting to go down.
1/6/11: I really want to potty train Mac, and it's not going so well. She's really nervous about the whole thing, and it doesn't help that I'm not consistent. Mac is sitting on her potty while the girls watch a show and I force liquids in her in hopes they will at some point come out.
Miriam 1/6/11:
1/6/11: Finally, dance class starts! She was so excited to go and followed instructions really well. Fifth position.
She's attending through parks and rec, and while it will serve as an excellent 'foot-wetter', it is not very traditional in its approach. If she wants to continue beyond this spring, we'll find her a dance studio where she can learn the positions and proper form (with a mirror), etc. But, like I said, great for seeing if she likes it.
Miriam 1/7/11: She stands up against everything and anything these days, and only needs one hand to feel secure, so that means she's opening cupboards and getting into things! I kind of forgot how wily this age is. Or maybe Mac was so wily that I've blocked it.
1/7/11: Brad was at a youth retreat with our stake, so we had the Fetters ladies over for some pizza. I seriously love the garlic sauce. So bad for me, but so delicious.

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